And More...
The Museum Collection Features –
A collection of novels and publications by local authors – Henry Handel Richardson, who penned, amongst other stories, The Fortunes of Richard Mahoney and The Getting of Wisdom; Mary Gaunt, daughter of Judge Gaunt, goldfields magistrate, who wrote Kirkham's Find and several travel tales; and Wilfred Busse whose History of Chiltern gives a wonderful insight into the development of our areas. Aquired in 2009 Henry Handel Richardson's writting desk pictured below. READ MORE >>

Sir John 'Black Jack' McEwen
A display of memorabilia relating to Sir John 'Black Jack' McEwen, who became Australian Prime Minister after the disappearance of Harold Holt. Sir John was born in Chiltern where his father was a pharmacist. His father's chemist shop later became the Dow Pharmacy a noted National Trust building in Chiltern.
Alfred William Eustace
A series of paintings by Alfred William Eustace, a self taught artist and poet, who came to this area in 1852 and was employed as a shepherd on the Eldorado Run. Several of Eustace’s works painted in oil on gum leaves are displayed in the museum along with other more conventional works.
The First World War Honour Roll
The First World War Honour Roll is a dominating feature of the Chiltern Athenaeum and forms the central point of an ongoing collection of photographs, profiles, medals, certificates and other memorabilia relating to Chiltern and district people who served in both World Wars.
Photographic Displays
The Museum also houses photographic displays and an outdoor exhibition featuring our mining and agricultural past. Along with microfilm of the local newspaper “The Federal Standard” 1859 – 1970, an extensive collection of local family histories and community records enable the volunteers to carry out family and historic research.
Group Tours
Group Tours of the township are conducted by Chiltern Athenaeum volunteers, which include 2 National Trust properties, Chiltern Athenaeum Museum, the largest grapevine in the southern hemisphere and Star Theatre Complex. Please contact the Chiltern Athenaeum on 03 5726 1280 or email for further information.